The REAL 99%

I laid awake in bed some time between 4 and 5 AM this morning receiving some profound thoughts about the nature of consciousness and existence. What follows is an attempt to remember and assemble fragments of the download into a written form.

The greatest choice we can make is to choose to imagine, accept, know, and experience that we are more than just the physical, more than just the visible, and that our invisible aspect is actually the far more significant part of who we are, like 19 to 1, or even 99 to 1, even approaching infinity to 1. Making the choice to accept that we are more than just the physical, it turns out, puts one into a group with approximately 99% of all people, fellow choosers so to speak. This combined with the idea that our invisible aspect is far more significant than our visible suggests that this is the REAL 99% group identity, rather than some far more mundane and less profound physical economic political identity. This is REAL power, the real power that those with secrets to keep are most afraid of.

As one’s individual identity approaches the infinite, one discovers that all information in all of reality is available to one’s inquiring mind, that one’s own mind is a subset and derivative of the One Mind. This experience enables one to become free from any and all group dogmas, self-limiting group identities, reality boxes, etc. One finds that it is in fact these artificial fabricated group identities and their attendant obligatory dogmatic idea platforms that are more imprisoning than protecting.

The main problem appears to be that the human logical mind seems to be optimized for choosing the easiest path toward basic physical survival. A consequence of this is that even though the vast majority of us choose to believe that we are more than just the physical, we generally choose to identify strongly with a physical group identity that is a far smaller subset than the 99% of the total population who also believe that we are more than the physical. In other words, the vast majority of people choose a more focused or specialized form of belief in the visible, rather than the larger more general group identity who believe in the invisible. The end result of this is that we are divided and conquered by our own laziness and willingness to become attached to physical group identities that wind up dividing us against each other, possibly to the benefit of those who would exploit us for their material or metaphysical gain.

Granted, this is all a vast oversimplification, as are most such broadly general theses. This however, does not make it false.

It is of particular relevance that I had the book Remote Viewing by David Morehouse under my pillow when I received the above notions.

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